Category Archives: Marriage Astrology

How to Convince My Boyfriend to Marry Me

Making a relation with desire guy is one thing, but keeping him around is a bit of hard thing. Both are an important step.  Every girl has a desired one in their life and all wants to make a relation with that guy.  But only a few of girl are able to get her desire […]

How To Bring Back Happiness In Marriage Life

Marriage is the foundation of trust faith and affection. Well at the start of relation people take lots of love, care, faith and affection towards their better half and their relation go smoothly. But as time go of their relation, some wax and wane come in their relation, a cause of that love, faith and […]

Secret of Successful and Long Lasting Marriage

Secret of Successful and Long Lasting Marriage:  Marriage is a journey.  Everyone wants to make their journey long lasting and happier, that’s why everyone wants to maintain harmony and faith in their relationship. However, at the beginning of marriage relation, all people maintain harmony and affection in their relation, but as time goes off their […]

Healthy tips to solve conjugal Problems

Love is very beautiful feeling when who feel this feeling with someone else then he/she want see only around them. You can’t explain to anyone about this feeling because till then they don’t love to anyone. In love become happiness, sadness, care, all feel like amazing. Only you want to stay with them anytime but […]

कुंडली से  ऐसे मालूम हो सकता है किसी व्यक्ति का वैवाहिक जीवन कैसा होगा

    कुंडली का सप्तम भाव विवाह और वैवाहिक जीवन से संबंधित होता है। इस  के आधार पर किसी भी व्यक्ति के वैवाहिक जीवन की भविष्यवाणी आसानी से  की जा सकती है।  आईये जानते है किसी व्यक्ति का वैवाहिक जीवन कैसा हो सकता है कुंडली के सप्तम भाव से।   यदि किसी व्यक्ति की कुंडली […]

Is it possible to get back together?

After ended a relation when the couple realizes their past moment they often think is it possible to get back together?   Because they miss all the moment which they had with their ex, along with once a while couple gets separated on the topic which actually doesn’t matter. Well if you are in such a […]

Open Communication in Marriage

Communication is a key aspect of good and healthier marriage.  Many of us don’t know how to communicate effectively with spouse and may not comfortable with voicing needs, therefore marriage turn through glassy and love, harmony and addiction seem like impossible to get it back. But if a couple has open communication in marriage then […]

Tips To Keep Romance Alive In a Marriage

Marriage is a true commitment between two couple, for keep love, harmony, and integrity alive in a marriage. Patience, integrity, and attention require of the couple which only a few of couple can do and another of getting busy with work and social responsibility, therefore romance seem like fed-up.  If you are in such a […]

Secrets of Long Lasting Relationship

Often, couple strives to start search out secrets of a long lasting relationship after passing a couple of months and years of a relationship.  Often couple thing that, harmony and affection alive only for few times, either only for the honeymoon period.  Although Healthier couple doesn’t have such kind of thinking, for this reason, they […]